Airsoft Auckland

Forum Rules

Forum name

The name you choose to use on our forum is a choice worth taking some time to consider. It is a form of identification we use at games or referring to you in many aspects of the day to day administration of the club. We ask that you refrain for taking existing users names and replacing them with numbers as a form of "leet speak". It can make correctly identifying members more difficult.
Should any user have an issue with another user having a name similar to their own then please contact the ASA committee for a resolution.
Should you choose to become an ASA club member then please use your exact forum name on the membership form and when transferring the membership fee electronically. Using an abbreviation (for example removing the "the" from the start) can make administration more difficult. We would appreciate your assistance on this matter.


  • ASA takes no responsibility for any of the views expressed or the information released by people who join this forum and express opinions or post information.
  • We reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread or post for any reason. If you do find any posts that are objectionable then please contact a committee member via personal message.
    Alternatively, you can use the ‘report to moderator’ button present in each post. DO NOT respond aggressively.
    Act just as you would on the field, report the breach to a committee member, and walk away.
  • Do not create more than one account.
  • Do not share, or allow others to use your forum account.
  • Selling and purchasing of any item is only permitted in the appropriate members section. Non ASA members are not permitted to use this forum as a means to buy and sell. Advertising or reviews of products that, the committee members or moderators feel are inappropriate for the forum may be removed.
  • Do not edit any moderator comments on your posts.
  • Use of strong and offensive language is not acceptable. There is a filter in place and users are not permitted to creatively circumvent such filters.
  • Posting of sexual, racist, or other offensive material is not permitted.
  • Rules are subject to change at any time at the committees discretion. Breaching these rules may result in forum rights being removed for a period determined by the committee.
  • By registering to use this forum you meet the above criteria and agree to abide by all of the above rules and policies.

What the forum is for:

  • A peaceful, pleasurable and informative environment for socialising & participating in club activities.
  • Arranging games.
  • Friendly (or at the very least courteous) discussion with fellow members.

What the forum is NOT for:

  • Flaming & Posturing
  • Posting abuse, ridiculing, name calling.
  • Arguments.
  • Personal attacks.

Forum moderation and discipline:

The administrative and moderation team is made up of the duly elected committee. The goal is to ensure the forums remain useful and pleasant for all, and not a toxic environment that members actively avoid. People should be able to post without fear of being abused or harassed. Users found to be in breach of the forum rules will receive penalties derived from the following list. It should be noted that these are not hard and fast rules, and the committee reserves the right to alter these based on their judgement.

  • First Offence: A warning, or a 24 hour ban as appropriate.
  • Second Offence: 24 hour ban.
  • Third Offence: 48 Hour Ban.
  • Fourth Offence: 120 Hour Ban (5 day).
  • Fifth Offence: 336 Hour Ban (2 weeks).
  • Sixth Offence: Permanent forum ban. Users being banned will receive an email to their registered email account explaining the ban.

A user receiving censure for their third or further offence will be issued a 24 hour ban, and once this has been ratified as appropriate by two further committee members, it will be extended as the level of offence merits.