Airsoft Auckland

Club Rules


This article is an addendum to the ASA Rules and Laws, and should be read in conjunction with that article.
This is the shortened version.

Airsoft is a game of honesty and integrity so the highest standards are expected. You must be over 16 years of age with a firearms license and written parental permission, or be over the age of 18

Directing Staff

Any reference to "DS" means "Directing Staff" who are running the day's events.
This may be one or more persons.
They are there for your safety, and to ensure all persons attending have an enjoyable and fair game.
They will identify themselves at the start of the events briefing, and will be wearing a high visibility jerkin.
You must listen to any instructions they give, and their word is final. Do not argue with them.
The DS reserves the right to remove or ban from play anyone that acts in a irresponsible or unsafe fashion.
They can be contacted at any time before, during and after the event.
Do not shoot them, or any persons in their close proximity appearing to be conversing with them.


Goggles and face protection

Full sealing safety goggles with a ballistic rating NZS 1337.1 or similar, but not less than, must be worn at all times on the field outside the safe zone.
These can be purchased at most leading hardware stores.
ASA recommends full face masks and the club will make them available, but it is your choice if you use full face or safety goggles.
Glasses and/or sunglasses are unacceptable!
Remember, it is your eyeballs at stake here. They cannot be replaced.

Game Hold

Anybody can call game hold if they feel anyone is in danger or needs help.

    For example, but not limited to:
  • a medical emergency,
  • eye protection falling off in the middle of a game,
  • non-associated civilian/s on field

When "EYES!!!" is heard everyone repeat it and stop firing. Stay where you are and wait for the DS's instructions.

Minimum Engagement Distances

MED for short, is the minimum distance you are permitted to fire upon another player.
There are 3 categories, or classes, each with their respective MED based on their measured power levels.
See the clubs current Energy/FPS rules here.

No MED for CQB class guns.
10 meters for Assault class guns.
20 meters for Sniper class guns.

Some events may restrict a weapon class. Ensure you read the event's information page before attending.

Rules of engagement:

Follow all rules outlined at the start of the game. If in doubt, ask someone about the specific game rules.


You are hit if you; Feel, Hear, See, a BB pellet hit your person or you gear, or are told (by another player or DS).
You are then considered "dead".
Remember, its all about fun so be honest.

When you are hit, you must yell "HIT" to identify you have been hit.
Sit down with your weapon on your lap and hold your hit marker out clearly visible to players.
Dead mean do not talk! Do not communicate with any alive player, other than to repeat "Already hit!" in the circumstance that you are still being shot at. - If this is the case, also wave your hit marker, as it may be obscured from vision from other players.

Failure to call your hits will upset your fellow players and can ruin a days gaming.
It can also result in you being removed for the days play.

Head shots

Head shots are discouraged during ASA games.
Do not try for a head shot, but if there is no other option, such as a person hiding behind a tree with their head sticking out, it is acceptable (within reason) if no better angle can be obtained for a body shot.
- Remember, be polite and call out "Sorry, that's all I could see."
Keep in mind, head shots do happen. They should be unintentional. If you believe you are the subject of multiple head shots, contact the DS.

Bang kills

Used when the distance to your opponent is under 10 meters. You must have the advantage of them, and a stable firing platform.
You must not be running.

A Bang Kill should be used when you are inside the Minimum Engagement Distance for your current weapon (Those armed with a Sniper Class weapons MUST use their required CQB rated secondary for bang kills).

In order to perform a Bang Kill you must have a functioning and loaded weapon, that is capable of taking the shot if required.
Pointing it at your target, you must call out: "Bang Kill..." and an identifying feature, be it their name, callsign, or an item of clothing/equipment.
For Example: "Bang Bob!" or "Bang Green Hoodie Guy!"

If you are the target of a Bang Kill, you must accept it.
If you have an issue as to its legitimacy, bring it up with a DS later.

Fake knife kills/Physical contact

At no time will you will you attempt to engage in Hand to Hand combat with another player.

A "stealth kill" or "knife kill" is when a player is able to touch the opponent player undetected with a rubber knife. If you are "Knife Killed" it is considered a silent kill and to follow the hit rule without yelling "HIT".

Contact kills must be made when the opponent is unaware of you presence, the contact must be made under control. You may not run at a player and "tag" them, as this is not counted an undetected kill. All knife kills must be conducted with a suitable safe imitation knife made of a flexible material like rubber. If you do not own a rubber knife then you must make close kills using the "Bang Kill" rule above.